Forward by Anupama
Do not be like a parrot in life; be like an eagle. A parrot speaks but can't fly high, whereas an eagle is silent and has the willpower to touch the sky!"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails good morning mail , Thought for Today
Optical Illusion
Forward by ARUN KUMAR
Is This Possible??
Are the purple lines straight or bent?
Do you see gray areas in between the squares?
Now where did they come from?
You should see a man's face and also a word...
Hint: Try tilting your head to the right, the world begins with 'L'
If you take a look at the following picture , let me tell you .... it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or loo k at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it.... Weird
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails Great Pics , Intresting Mails , Intresting Pics
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails good morning mail , Thought for Today
Amazing Wooden Scooter
Forward by Imthiyas
Beautiful Hand-Made Wooden Vespa
The Vespa scooter has a classically appreciable shape. Portuguese craftsman Carlos Alberto managed to fashion one from laminated hardwood. The result is stunningly beautiful.
The Making of Wooden Scooter:-
The little scooter is based on an original Vespa which had fallen into complete disrepair, but using long-tested woodcraft techniques a flowing new body was constructed for the runabout. The main spine of the bike is fashioned from steam bent and laminated veneers upon which very nicely carved body work hangs. Even the package tray and seat are made from wood. We would have probably gone with a traditional seat, but that's just cause we're a bunch of softies like that. Realistically though, we're betting this Vespa is now quite a few pounds heftier than when it started out, and the original was not known for its swiftness so despite it's beauty it's probably kind of a pig in the performance department. Then again, if something looks that good, we'll give the zero to sixty times a pass.
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails Art , Creativity , Great Mails , Great Pics , Intresting Mails , Intresting News , Intresting Pics , Popular Mails
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cool Pics Mutated animal
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails animals , Crazy Pics , Creativity , Intresting Pics
Thursday, October 22, 2009
~*~Good Morning~*~
Forward by Anupama
Success or defeat is just the result ... What is important is the Quality of Fight. Each and every day is an opportunity to be a better person than you were the day before.
Have a nice day!!
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails good morning mail , Thought for Today
.*.*.*.*.*WOW!!!! WATER*.*.*.*.*.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
******Good Morning*****
Forward by Anupama
Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.
Stephen R. Covey
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails good morning mail , Thought for Today
World's Fattest Child [World Record holder]
Forward by Shakil Mansuri
The 9 year old mountain boy Dzhambik Khatokhov Weights whopping 150 kgs. His Buggy had unbreakable wheels and the family's chairs had to be specially made to prevent him crushing them to matchwood. Dzhambik Khatokhov is the world’s fattest child and he has adult size-eight shoes. His weight is more than to four children of his classmates. Dzhambik is known as Jambik and his ambition of winning gold for Russia at the Olympics. But British doctor says when he was met; his health is in grave danger.
His mum also explained that “He was so strong that at one and a half years old he was lifting things like heavy stones and buckets of water." In Just 3 years he was lifting weights as heavy as 24 kgs. At four he had ballooned to 45 kgs, even though he was just 3ft 11in, and at six he was 74 kgs.’
“Jambik’s a Good Boy and never uses his size to bully younger kids." 48 year old Khasan Teusvazhukov who is his wrestling coach, struggles to find fighting partners for Jambik, as other boys his age weigh as little as five stone. He practices his wrestling five days in week and also goes swimming and said "I want to be a sportsman when I grow up. Or better, an Olympic champion. I like to be strong."
Funny Mails,Time Pass mails Great Mails , Great Pics , Intresting Mails , Intresting Pics
Amazing Tree Houses Around the World
Forward by Imthiyas/>
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