Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Forwarded by Teerdhankar Sai

Here is an old story which we have learnt in our childhood at schools and till now the same story has been taught to the children.

The story of RABBIT and TORTOISE Race.

One day Rabbit and Tortoise will have a running race. The moment race begins, rabbit runs very fastly and after reaching near the finish point, rabbit thought that it will take more time for tortoise to come here, let me take some rest. Unnowingly rabbit went into deep sleep, by the time rabbit woke up, tortoise crossed the finish line and won the race.

We are still confused whether tortoise won the race of rabbit lost the race? Every one has their own opinion

Part 1 of the above story.

After tortoise won the race, aggrieved rabbit goes to tortoise and challanges to take one more race. Tortoise agrees for the same. One fine day they are ready for the race. As the race began, rabbit ran swiftly without making the mistake last time it did and finishes the race way ahead of tortoise. Rabbit is the winner.

Part 2 :

This time tortoise challenges rabbit, let us have one more race. Rabbit agrees and one fine day they are ready for the race. As the race began, rabbit ran very fast and after reaching a place it found a river on the track. Tortoise clevery selected this track knowing that rabbit cannot swim. Rabbit was standing at the bank of the river. Tortoise came to that place, crossed the river and won the race.

All these days they were racing against each other.

Part 3:

For the last time both the Rabbit and Tortoise have decided that both of them should win the race. They have selected the same track as earlier. This time as the race began, rabbit asked tortoise to climb on its back, as rabbit can run fast on the land. They reached the river again, then tortoise got down and asked rabbit to climb on its back. Both of them crossed the river and both won.

Moral: Every one in this world has their own unique qualities, you cannot compare one with the other. No one is perfect in all the matters. Instead of running / fighting against each other for power or for any thing, we can cooperate / help each other in all the matter and can achieve success. By doing so, you will grow and also the people along with you. This is called the Power of Synergy.


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